Latiff Mohidin:
Pago Pago (1960 – 1969)

National Gallery Singapore & Centre Pompidou Paris

Co-curated by National Gallery Singapore, Latiff Mohidin: Pago Pago (1960-1969) is the first solo show by a South-east Asian artist held in Centre Pompidou Paris. Recognised as one of the key modernist artist of South-east Asia, Latiff Mohidin’s contribution to global modernism unfortunately remains understudied.

Seen as a step toward addressing this gap, the catalogue accompanying the exhibition seeks to position the artist within Berlin art circles of the 1960s, and unravel what could be contingently described as painting from within the tradition. The catalogue also explores the formative role of Latiff Mohidin’s Pago Pago series not only in his oeuvre, but also in our very ability to write about Southeast Asian history.


National Gallery Singapore
Centre Pompidou

National Gallery Singapore

Centre Pompidou, Paris


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